Davis High Students react to recent spike in COVID-19 Cases

In the past few weeks, Utah has hit the highest number of recorded COVID-19 cases as a state. Though as a country we have been flattening the curve, this weekend it was announced that Utah has hit a startling amount of positive cases. Over 1,1oo positive cases of COVID-19 in Utah were confirmed just last Friday, leaving everyone in shock.
But how has this alarming information impacted the students of our local Davis High? For some students, the biggest concern is protecting others. Davis High Student Amanda Barlow says that her habits haven’t changed much since following the spike, as she has already been wearing a mask and keeping her hands clean.
However, the high number of cases does make her wary of being around individuals at higher risk. “My biggest concern”, says Barlow, “would be that I would spread COVID to someone who would die from it”. Barlow also leaves her advice that students should “Be safe, but don’t live in complete fear”.
For other students, their concerns lie with going to school itself. Even though she is following the state’s mask mandate and the school’s constant sanitation policies, student Anna Owens worries that students may have to revert to online learning in the coming months.
She isn’t worried about attending school four days a week, but she knows that the school board might be. Owens commented that her biggest concern is to “Maybe not go to school at all”, worrying that the spike in cases will cause schools to shut down completely.
Each student seems to have their own perspective and concerns on how the high number of positive cases will impact their life. One thing we can all agree on, however, is that after this year, attending school may never be the same.

Since discovering her love of it at age 5, Lizzie has been developing her skills in all different forms of writing. Favorite classes in the past...