with her wildly popular album “Short N’ Sweet”. When the Grammy nominations first went live
in November, Carpenter — who has released six albums since 2015 — commented on the irony
of being considered a “new” artist in 2025. “I don’t know how that’s possible,” she joked in an
Instagram video of herself reacting to the nod. “I’m the best old artist. S—t, I’ve been here.”
Sabrina has come a long way since then, and her older works definitely deserve some
Carpenters 2021 single “Skin” was one of her songs released during some drama
featuring the singer. This single acted as almost a precursor to her 2022 album “emails i can’t
send”. At the time, she was getting ready to tell her side of the story in the public love triangle
with Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett. Fans had already heard Rodrigo’s side of the story in
“Driver’s License.” While Carpenter never confirmed who the track is about, the lyrics had a lot
of parallels to the public drama and fans started to speculate (It didn’t take a genius to guess
who and what the song was about).
The song is about not letting other’s external opinions affect your emotions.
“I wish you knew// that even you// can’t get under my skin// if I don’t let you in.”
Sabrina has explained that the song reflects her own experiences and emotions, encouraging
listeners to not let others “get under their skin”.
NUMBER 4- Fast Times
Sabrina Carpenter had a few popular songs off Emails I Can’t Send, including “Nonsense”
and “Feather” from the deluxe edition. While it did make the setlist for the Short N’ Sweet tour,
“Fast Times” didn’t quite get the recognition it fairly deserved. However, “Fast Times” is clearly
worthy of recognition, just as any other Sabrina Carpenter song. In the modern dating world, It
can often feel all too fast, like you’re speed-running the entire process. Carpenter comments on
hookup culture in this song, saying things like “Tiptoeing past so many stages” and “Give me a
second to forget I ever really meant it.” to really highlight how these are “fast times” in more
ways than one. Carpenter also gave recognition to the track, using it as her opening song at her
Coachella performances. (As she should, of course)
track features dreamy, soft vocals and the heartfelt lyrics of a hopeless romantic. In the song,
Carpenter longs for the passion and excitement of a relationship to last forever, rather than
fade after an initial “honeymoon phase.” The song gives similar vibes to that of an Ariana
Grande song with the chill instrumentals and beautiful riffs featured in the song. In Carpenters
lyrics “I hope we never change//i hope we stay the same//i hope that we love through the
pain// after the honeymoon fades.” She conveys a gentle pleading hope that her love can
withstand the test of time. The song’s release on Valentine’s Day added to its romantic feel,
and its emotional depth showcased Sabrina’s ability to deliver intimate, meaningful music.
Decode is the last song in her 2022 “emails i can’t send” album. This song beautifully
illustrates how overthinkers tend to act in their relationships, feeling the need to “decode’
everything their partner says or does, looking for anything they didn’t noticed before. The song
is about the aftermath of a stressful breakup and how these types of things can really cause
your psyche to take a hit.
“Reread every single undertone and I// Overanalyzed it, front back and beside it// Where else
can we go?// Theres nothing left here to decode.”
At the end of the day this song has proven to be extremely relatable to young fans, fresh in and
out of relationships and navigating the emotions that come with them. Carpenter conveys
relatability to fans across the world with songs like these.
NUMBER 1- cindy lou who
song cindy lou who conveys a softer, ballad feel compared to the other slightly more upbeat
tracks in the album. Fans speculate that the song is about singer and actress Camila Cabello,
whom Carpenter shares an ex with (Shawn Mendes.) The song effectively evokes strong
emotions in its listeners by highlighting one’s feelings of inadequacy and endless comparison
that tends to plague us all every now and then. Carpenter laments about her recent heartbreak
and about the next girl, with her “hair so long, lips so red” now being the one that holds her
ex’s heart. The song beautifully captures the confusing emotions one experiences after a
breakup, making it a relatable song for many, and a personal favorite.