The Zodiac Experiment
horoscopes concept
Everyone has a specific zodiac sign that is supposed to influence their luck/fortune, personality traits, and even normal behavior. I am an Aquarius, for example, and we are supposedly known for creativity, independence, and eccentric thinking, among other traits. I feel like the outline for an Aquarius actually sounds a lot like me, so I wonder if perhaps there is some truth to zodiac signs.
That’s why I have decided to perform an experiment- I will record what my horoscope reads according to every day from now, Monday, November 2nd, until Wednesday, November 4th, and then analyze its validity. Time to find out how accurate my horoscope is!
November 2nd: Today my horoscope read, “Be careful not to relax too much today. If you let down your guard, you could start falling back into a bad pattern of behavior. You worked too hard to get to where you are now, so don’t let yourself slide. Self-discipline can be tough when you’re on your own, so if you feel yourself succumbing to temptation, try the buddy system. Talk to a friend and take your mind off whatever it is that you know isn’t good for you!”
I was amazed at how much I actually connected to my horoscope today. My anxiety levels are high with the return to 4-day school, so I’m not relaxing much today. I’ve been working on managing my stress and anxiety more lately and have really improved, so “falling back into a bad pattern of behavior” might relate to me letting stress and anxiety take back control. And good friends are my main support system to manage these emotions; it’s like the horoscope read my mind! Overall, I am feeling intrigued today.
November 3rd: Today my horoscope read, “You’re doing some good stuff, so spread the word! You need to start opening up about all the projects you’re working on right now. How else will people know about them? They are more interested in what you’re doing than you think. They want to know what’s got you so energized. You might think they’ll roll their eyes when you give them an update, but that’s not true. They are more likely to look at you with amazement and then give you a round of well-deserved applause.”
Okay, I’m starting to wonder if this website is reading my mind or something, haha! I just started a business for my hobby/talent of jewelry making in the last few weeks, and I’ve been needing to get the word out, so the line about “opening up about all the projects I’m working on” directly applies to me.
It has been energizing me and improving my mood to be getting my first few customers, so my horoscope was actually pretty accurate today. Either this is another coincidence, or horoscopes may actually be somewhat accurate. As of now, I am undecided, but by tomorrow I might be a believer in astrology.
November 4th: Today my horoscope read, “Your cynical side is in charge today, which means you’re going to be suspicious of people who act like saints. To you, these folks don’t have altruistic motives. They are helping someone only with the goal of helping themselves in the end. But the big question is are your suspicions correct? Resist the urge to warn others about this person being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You don’t know for sure, and you could hurt their reputation.”
This one was not even close to accurate. I’m not feeling at all cynical, and I’m not feeling very suspicious of nice people today. I’m not a cynical person, and I’m in a pretty good mood.
Honestly, I’ve been really appreciating the friendliness that I have received today, as it has been an interesting adjustment this week with the return to four-day school. I think the accuracy of the last two days was simply a coincidence.
My final conclusion is that horoscopes have no factuality behind them. They’re like a fortune cookie; it’s a randomly generated fortune that plays into the minds of the superstitious.
While I do admit that the first two were accurate, I believe it was simply a coincidence. If they had any truth behind them, they would be correct every time without fail and would relate to each person individually.
My horoscope is not personal; these daily fortunes are for all Aquarius combined. Personally, I believe nobody can tell the future, so it’s best to keep an open mind. Therefore, I think I just busted the myth that horoscopes are true. However, they definitely make for an interesting read! I would recommend them to anyone who’s bored.

Since discovering her love of it at age 5, Lizzie has been developing her skills in all different forms of writing. Favorite classes in the past...