A review of Skillet- the most underrated band
If you are looking for new music, I would highly recommend my favorite band, Skillet. You may have heard one of their songs on rock radio stations, or maybe you don’t know of them at all. While many people may not have heard of them, they have a strong following of over 2 million on YouTube alone. Skillet is an American Alternative/Christian Rock band that has a total of 18 albums (if you include the deluxe editions).
But even if you’re not Christian or even non-religious, Skillet may be a good option for you. The band has clean lyrics (which do not swear) and promote positive messages such as finding strength in your loved ones, standing up for what you believe in, and coming back stronger than before.
Skillet’s music is uplifting and has a decent variety in their sound; some songs are gentle power-ballads, like “Yours to hold”, while other songs are heavier like “Back from the dead”. Other songs, such as “Comatose”, even fall somewhere in between. The band does not use autotune or edit their music, so every live performance sounds just like the recording. Their concerts, even in video, are full of energy and excitement, including fun effects like lasers and smoke.
Skillet does more than make great music, however- the band members are also good role models. Drummer and backup vocalist Jen Ledger has done interviews about dealing with anxiety disorder, which can be very helpful to people like me who struggle with it.
Lead singer and bass player John Cooper has talked during interviews about his respect for all different religions, even mentioning a close friend of his who is an Atheist, and how he wants people from all different backgrounds to be able to enjoy his music and feel welcome at Skillet concerts. He also recently released a book about finding faith during hard times.
Last August, I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to meet the band in person, and they are incredible people. Each member of the band was kind and friendly, and let me shake their hands. I even got to hug Jen and personally thank her for helping me with my anxiety. Their music and personalities are great for going through hard times, and brings their fans (nicknamed “Panheads”) strength.
As well as music, Skillet even has a separate YouTube channel dedicated to John and his wife Korey’s “Cooper Stuff” videocast, which showcases things such as life on tour and their children. They also make year-end compilations which showcase their most popular songs of the year, favorite moments from concerts, and more!
Skillet merchandise is also amazing if you get really into them (like me!). They have a variety of unique T-shirts, such as several “Suicide Squad” parodies with the band members as fan-favorite characters, several colorful graphics, and my personal favorite- a “Back from the dead” tee designed to look like a heavy metal album cover.
Other apparel options include hoodies, an “ugly sweater” pullover, beanies, and even socks! But besides clothing, Skillet.com has many fun options for Panheads such as autographed posters and drumsticks, pins, albums or vinyl records, and more!
If you’re looking for clean, fun, and uplifting musical entertainment, look no farther than Skillet.

Since discovering her love of it at age 5, Lizzie has been developing her skills in all different forms of writing. Favorite classes in the past...