Christmas Quarantine Activities
Let’s be honest- the majority of students, teachers, and parents at Davis High are getting sick of COVID-19. This week we are starting our second round of quarantine lockdown, and we’re sad to say goodbye to each other until the new year.
COVID has taken away a lot of our regular activities, including in-person interaction with friends and loved ones, postponing or canceling extracurricular activities, and school dances to name a few. Now that we’re going to be stuck at home for a while, we’re going to need some ways to stay entertained (after homework, of course) so we don’t go crazy from boredom. Here are some of my best ideas to have fun in quarantine.
First off, find virtual ways to spend time with friends and family. I miss my loved ones when I can’t see them for a long time, and I know I’m not the only one who misses doing fun things with them. However, there are a lot of ways you can still connect with them at a distance.
One of my personal favorites is long-distance Minecraft. If you and your friend both have the latest version, you can send an invite to each other and play together even if you have different consoles.
I know that the game “Among Us” is also trending right now, so if you’re up for a modern, virtual game of “Clue” then this is a good option. As well as Minecraft, the cross-console option is also available for several other games, so check the multiplayer settings for your favorites and invite some friends to play!
Besides gaming, you can get invested in a new series, rewatch an old favorite, or catch up on a show you haven’t had time to binge in a while. I personally need to catch up on “The Mandalorian”; I have been lucky enough to hear very few spoilers, but I really need to get to Season 2.
My favorite streaming platform Disney+ has many other shows I can recommend, such as “Once Upon a Time” or “Into the Unknown: The Making of Frozen 2”, among several others. Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming platforms also have many great options if you want to get into a show, and all of the above offer one or two-week free trials if you’re trying to save your money.
If you’re trying to unplug for a while, I would recommend getting into a new hobby. I personally enjoy making my own jewelry and running my own business for it (@lovelyluluboutique2) on Instagram.
But there are many other options that are cheap, easy, and fun that you can get into reading, cooking/baking, several forms of art, or learning an instrument are popular options to get into. You could even try researching different hobbies and find a unique or challenging one, like calligraphy or cross-stitching. There are also seasonal options like sledding, caroling, or baking cookies. Try experimenting with a few hobbies that sound interesting to you!
This Christmas quarantine and then the following break, you have lots of options to keep yourself entertained and spend quality time with loved ones. Just don’t forget to complete your homework this week before you start, or the new year, and resulting end-of-term, might be a struggle.

Since discovering her love of it at age 5, Lizzie has been developing her skills in all different forms of writing. Favorite classes in the past...