What The Super Bowl is like for people who don’t like Football

Lizzie Bodily

More stories from Lizzie Bodily

What The Super Bowl is like for people who dont like Football

As everyone knows, this previous Sunday was the Super Bowl, the biggest Football event of the year (for everyone in America). People tend to gather with family and friends to have a party and celebrate like its a holiday. There’s food, good company, and of course Football. What’s not to like? In my case, it’s the Football. You’re probably wondering, “What do people who don’t like Football do during the Super Bowl?”. Well here is my firsthand account on an anti-Football celebration.

To give you some background, my family has a close bond to our neighbors down the street because they moved in shortly after us. Our family has lived in the same house for 15 years, so our families have been friends for over a decade. As a result, every year we celebrate the Super Bowl at their house. Everyone gets excited for the game except for me and my friend Briana, as we don’t care about sports. We celebrate the Super Bowl together instead as a really long hangout as opposed to a Football party.

Our Super Bowl starts off with everyone; we eat a nice meal with typical party favorites; pizza rolls, chips, soda…you know how it goes. As we eat, the game kicks off so we absentmindedly watch for a few minutes. Most of that time is filled with strange commercials, which we question a lot. For example, what the heck was that Mountain Dew Watermelon Commercial? They have a whole obnoxious city, John Cena is there for literally no reason, and it goes on for way too long. We spend our mealtime conversation discussing opinions like this while we enjoy the food. After eating, we head up to her room to do something else while our families enjoy the game.

In previous years, we have done activities such as playing music from Alexa and hosting our own dance party, laughing at funny YouTube videos until our eyes water, and a variety of board games. This year, I decided to bring my jewelry making supplies so we could create our own accessories. Over the course of the night I made two necklaces, five rings, and two ear cuffs. Briana, on the other hand, made around ten keychains and three necklaces. Of course we still included music, this time just from my phone instead of Alexa.

At about half time, we took a break to join the group for dessert, which is essential to any party. We got to discuss more random commercials while we ate, but the actual dessert was the highlight. This year’s variety included an ice cream bar, brownie bites, and chocolate cheesecake, just to start. In fact, we enjoyed dessert so much that we ended up coming back about 20 minutes later for a second dessert. After all, it was a party so we had to take the opportunity to enjoy the junk food.

Just like anyone’s Super Bowl, however, ours flew by. The next thing we knew, it was time to pack up so my family could head home. While the adults were mourning the loss of their favorite team, me and Briana were feeling accomplished with our art and getting excited to wear and share our new designs. We had so much fun, this might’ve been the best Super Bowl yet! Even though our celebration doesn’t include Football, it’s still one of the best parties of the year in its own unique way, and shows that even those who don’t care for sports can still enjoy the Super Bowl.