Shocking poll shows that only 25% of students care about Davis sports
More stories from Corran J Cottrell

A new poll at Davis High interviewing 20 students of different genders, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds found that only 5 in 20 keep up with Davis sports in any way.
With the Covid-19 pandemic raging throughout Utah, many Davis High recipients found themselves not going to sports games which they traditionally traveled to. However, this new poll shows that the majority of students never cared in the first place.
“I just don’t care” is the answer we got from many students when asking them why they don’t keep up with the sports world at Davis.
Surprisingly, the majority of people who do care about sports participate in them, simply saying: “I play them” when asked about why they keep up with the Davis sports scene.
About 3 out of the 5 who keep up with Davis sports played in them, showing that the majority of people who don’t play sports never bothered with them in the first place.
“It’s boring” is another characteristic response from students who were asked why they don’t care about sports.
In the age of information, it seems that people just have more fun things to do, or they just don’t have the time.
With the advent of new recreational activities such as videogames, Netflix, YouTube, etc., it seems people just cannot find a reason to go to the sports stadium.
Others seem to have better things to do on a Tuesday/Thursday night saying: “They(sports) don’t matter”.
With mountains of homework and virtual learning becoming more common, many decide to fulfill their responsibilities rather than engage in this recreational activity. Covid-19 effected how many people could come to sports games, so we’ve seen a large decline in the attendance.
As lockdowns and mask mandates begin to lift, it calls into question: will anybody show up to the sports games? Will we see an increasing interest in sports at Davis? Or will we continue to lose interest in these recreational activities?
It’s hard to say, but for now the majority of Davis will just move on with their life despite any sports events.