Going in late or not coming in at all

Ella Martinez

More stories from Ella Martinez

Lazy Man waking up in his bedroom

Lazy Man waking up in his bedroom

Because of the pandemic last year many things had to be changed to avoid contact with other people. One of the biggest changes was schools and how they scheduled days. Now that things are returning to normal, so has the schedule.  

During the pandemic, many schools had alternating days of in-person learning, and something called a remote learning as well as something called a remote Friday. The students would have a day where they could come into school and work on assignments if needed, if not then they were allowed to stay home.  

Now students have returned to their normal schedule except for late starts on Wednesday. Late start Wednesday means students can go into school between 8:30-9:30 students can come in and work on assignments. Also, on late start Wednesday’s students are given an extra class called “homeroom.” This is where students get an extra 40 minutes to work on assignments  

Both late start Wednesdays and remote Fridays can help students progress, but which of them is better? Each day has its own perks and its own downside to it, but how the student takes advantage of the day can determine which one is more helpful.  

“I think remote Fridays because it allowed a student to have an entire day to get things accomplished, and the scheduled made everything even,” said Ms. May a teacher at Davis High School.  

Fridays did allow a full day of letting students be productive and they were allowed to come in and ask for help if they needed it. The schedule also helped teachers and students plan what was going to happen the next day and period.  

“In my opinion late start Wednesdays where better, students are allowed to sleep in and then they go to school to actually learn while remote Fridays very few kids did any school at all,” said Ellie Davis a high school student.  

Late Wednesdays gave students more of a chance to learn, especially with the late start. With students also being able to sleep in they are proven to be more productive. Dr. Michael Breus did a study and concluded that most teenage brains learn the best starting at 10:00 a.m.  

If students take advantage of either one of these days, then many students could catch up and benefit from either day. Students that fall behind do need a day or a few hours to catch up and so do teachers.