Davis takes first place in Academic Olympiad

Davis High took first place in the Academic Olympiad, Josh Robinson, Senior at Davis, and first year member,  placed first in language arts in the competition.

In Academic Olympiad “you take a lot of tests, then they determine who did the best [on] the tests,” said Robinson. There are four tests that you take in the competition.. “there is math and social studies, and language arts, and science that you compete in, and every person competes in every test, then there is extra tests, there is current events, or endangered animals, just stuff like that,” said Robinson. The tests were held at Utah State University this year.

“The preparation is just all of your school up to that point in ones life, we met and some teachers did discussions, which is helpful, but we didn’t prepare that much,” said Robinson.

To determine the winner “they add up all the individual scores, and see which one is the highest, throughout the tournament, you can see the other team scores so you know who is in the lead,” said Robinson.

In Academic Olympiad they don’t keep a win-loss record “but if they did, then this year would be a very good year, [and] I don’t know if they have a national ranking, but if they did we would probably be ranked,” Robinson said.