Improv Club strives to raise money with help from The Improvables


The improv club and the Improvables, a professional Improvisation group, are teaming up for the upcoming Sub 4 Santa fundraiser. Improv club is “[to] perform short-form improv comedy, which means that we take audience suggestions and, using our combined efforts, put together improvised scenes, guessing games, songs, and so forth,” says Paco Plowman, M.C. (Master of Ceremonies) of the improvables.

The improvables have come and worked with Davis High a few times, and according to Plowman, “[The only difference between us and Davis Improv Club is] only really in age and experience… I see similarities in the types of games we play, though, and I also see a great deal of talent in the Improv Club at Davis.” Davis Improv Club has different styles of games, Scene Work and the Step Up Game being their most common, which according to Daniel Breadthaue, “We just get in a circle and do improv; we [pick a theme], and have different things that we have to do, and we’re all doing it at the same time.” Their Scene Work, consists of one or more members on stage and the rest of the members being the audience, while the ones on stage take suggestions and improv live with their troupe. Other games are Speed Categories “in which one of us names a random category, and the rest of us name people/objects/items that fit that category,” explains Plowman.

According to Breadthaue When performing, “You get way nervous and stuff ’cause you don’t know how people are gonna react to what you’re going to say… and you don’t even know what you’re gonna say.” These students work very hard and put forth a ton of effort to be ready to perform live for Davis High. If you enjoy acting, improvisation, and seeing your fellow students being nervous while entertaining you, then come support them on Decemeber 17th in the little theater at 7pm, for $5.