Daycare students enjoy their role as teachers

The 1500 hall is filled with sewers and chefs, but no one can miss the noise and laughter that generates from the daycare kids, and the youthful giants that take care of them.

“I looked through the list and saw child development and they told me that’s how to get into the daycare,” said Sierra Smith, senior. “They’re just so cute. Just to be apart of their lives for that part of the day is totally worth it.” Tess Flitton, a senior and also a student who helps in the daycare said, “I would babysit for a lot of people and I just love taking care of kids, so I thought I’d take the class.”

The skills that these students gain can be used in the future for various reasons. “I want to be a teacher, and I figured that’s a good place to start,” said Smith. “I’m interested in going into early childhood development,” said Flitton

These students become a part of the lives of the children, being there to help teach and play with them. “You know their names and everything about them. I even get to understand their family, and that really helps when it comes to taking care of them,” said Smith. “They know me and I know them. They tell me stories from home and all sorts of things.”

As these kids go through the Davis High daycare they are affected by these students who willingly give up their time to take care of them, and who wouldn’t trade it for the world. Smith enjoys her time at the daycare. “I love it. I love them.”