Students exercise their “constitutional rights”


The phrase “constitutional right” has been, maybe, a little misconstrued within the 1400 hall.

Last week was one of controversy for Mrs. Levitt and a group of students that frequent the computer lab across from her room. Students, who used the computer lab to eat and play online games, were recently kicked out, Mrs. Levitt locking the door, preventing them for passing their time there. The main cause of this action was the mess they were leaving. Tables were sticky and a piece of garbage could often be found.

These students, being kicked out of the library as well, decided that their pass time was harmless, and that they would try to win back “their rights.” Posting letters on the lab door, the students communicated that their games were anything but harmful, and they should be given “the right to enter with ease.”

Levitt, in response, taped up the Acceptable Use Agreement, that each student has signed, highlighting phrases like, “online games (unless approved by supervising teacher as educational activity)” which was under the definition of inappropriate material.

Another letter appeared, again using the phrase “constitutional right” and “…the right to pursue our happiness.” It’s not hard to understand that there is something wrong with their assumption that their right to pursue happiness means that they can do whatever they’d like. “The use of technology resources is a privilege, not a right,” is also in the Acceptable Use Agreement, along with, “The principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator may limit, suspend, or revoke access to technology resources at any time.”

The events of last week were followed by surprisingly quiet days this week for Mrs. Levitt. “There haven’t been any new notes or anything, it’s been really quiet. They probably just found a new lab.”