End of the term chaos

Maddie Taylor

More stories from Maddie Taylor


The end of the term. A dreaded time for students, teachers and parents alike.

Those of us who may or may not be horrible procrastinators can expect to end up pulling all-nighters getting homework done. Even those who generally stay on top of their work can end up staying up to the wee hours of the morning trying to get everything done.

Teachers get a flood of students asking how to fix their grades, and parents have to deal with the stressed out teenagers who are most likely sleep deprived. In these times of chaos, we may find ourselves wondering if homework actually helps students learn or if it’s become something we do just to get a good grade.

Homework seems to be something that students, teachers, and researchers can’t seem to agree upon. Of course, students dislike it, but their reasons may be legitimate.

Studies have proven that homework may not really be beneficial to students education. The human brain can only take so much before it has to eventually crash, and when students spend around seven hours at school and then go home only to do more school work, it turns into something we do for a grade rather than to actually get an education.

Even teachers don’t all seem to be on the same page in regards to homework. Some prefer to assign homework daily and expect students to work outside of class, while others tell students to try their hardest to get done in class so they wont have to work at home.

What it all comes down to is that yes, students will inevitably have to do homework, but when it becomes excessive it is non beneficial and can become detrimental to a students mental health.