Sterling scholars may be your answer to student loan debt
Some select students have found that the sterling scholar program is helping them through college and other parts of life without having to take out a student loan. the sterling scholar is a scholarship that is only available in Utah. 5 people will be selected out of a huge amount of people. the applications are due every November depending on the school.
The scholarship takes percentages from these sections
SCHOLARSHIP- GPA and difficulty of the classes including ACT and SAT scores.
CATEGORY EXPERTISE-Student is given a category and has to explain what the category is and how it works.
LEADERSHIP- Given points for leadership by questioning teachers and other things.
COMMUNITY SERVICE/CITIZENSHIP-Have a high citizenship grade and community service can only make you look better.
INTERVIEW- Students are interviewed by judges and other people.
The categories according to the handbook are.
ENGLISH – For scholarship and achievement in one or more of the following areas: creative
writing, English, journalism, literature and related subjects.
MATHEMATICS – For scholarship and achievement in mathematics and related areas. Scholars may
exhibit outstanding records in mathematics competitions and evidence of potential contributions to
mathematical knowledge.
SOCIAL SCIENCE – For scholarship and achievement in one or more of the following areas:
American government, geography, history, economics, social issues, world affairs and/or related subjects.
SCIENCE – For scholarship and achievement in advanced work, inventiveness or outstanding
service in one or more of the following areas: biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, health science, science, and related subjects. Imagination, originality or special contributions will receive major consideration in
WORLD LANGUAGES – For outstanding scholarship and persistence in the study of a world
language. Nominees should have made unusual contributions to the field of world language study or
demonstrated increasing interest in such studies at their school.
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY – For outstanding scholarship and achievement in one or more of
the following areas: Computer programming, interfacing, networking, repair, construction, design and
illustration, media, and multi-media, or other related fields.
SKILLED AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES EDUCATION – For outstanding scholarship and
achievement in one or more of the following areas: Agriculture sciences, automotive services, automotive
collision repair, cabinetmaking/millwork, carpentry, cosmetology/barbering, drafting/CADD, graphics/printing
technology, law enforcement, machinist technician/CNC, welding, film making, and other related fields.
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES – For outstanding scholarship and achievement in one
or more of the following areas: child development and care, interior design, family living, food, and nutrition,
culinary arts, clothing, fashion, and other life skills.
BUSINESS AND MARKETING – Demonstrate a high level of scholarship and achievement in one
or more of the following areas: Business management, non-profit management, accounting, entrepreneurship,
sales, marketing and other fields related to business occupations.
SPEECH/THEATRE ARTS/FORENSICS – For scholarship and achievement in one or more area
of speech, theater arts and Forensics: debate, public speaking, oral interpretation, and/or (non-musical) theater.
VOCAL PERFORMANCE – Nominees demonstrate outstanding scholarship and achievement in one
or more of the areas of classical or musical theatre or vocal performance.
VISUAL ARTS – For scholarship and achievement in creative expression in one or more of the
following areas: drawing, artistic photography, commercial art, mixed media, graphic art, painting, sculpture
and related fields.
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC – Nominee demonstrates outstanding scholarship and achievement in
one or more of the areas of music.
DANCE – For demonstrating exceptional skill, achievement and creative expression in artistic
dance (ballroom dance included).

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