Senior Committee; Ending the year right

More stories from Katie Swain

As the end of the school year approaches senior committee is planning a memorable conclusion to the senior’s high school experience.

Senior committee, not being very well known, helps plan many activities throughout the year. They helped plan homecoming week and are starting to plan senior week. They meet during homeroom and brainstorm ideas of activities the senior class would enjoy and participate in.

Mia Simmons has been on committee all three years of high school. “I joined to be able to plan things for the school and it’s a good leadership opportunity,” Simmons explained. She noted how fun she has had throughout high school because of committee.

Sam Hirschi agreed with Simmons about how fun committee is. “It is a great opportunity to meet people and I have made new friends because of it” Hirschi stated about why she joined. She has loved hanging out with the other members of the committee during homeroom every week.

Senior committee is a great opportunity to gain leadership skills and meet people outside of your friend group. It allows you to have a say in your high school experience by planning after school activities.

Being on senior committee helps you stay involved. Davis is such a big school you can easily get lost in the crowd, by participating in committee you have a group and you are encouraged to participate in all of the school activities.

With elections for student government coming up that also means committee applications are coming too. Both girls strongly advocated joining to others. “It gets you out of your comfort zone and it allows you to have a fuller high school experience,” Mia stated.