Bang energy drinks: are they dangerous?


Brady Karras

Bang energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular. People believe bang to be a healthy alternative from the popular Red Bull and Monster energy drinks with zero calories, zero sugars, no cholesterol, no carbs, and plenty if supplements used by athletes like creatine and BCAA’s. A large  amount of other people are scared of Bang’s popularity as well with fear that it can be harmful. These contradicting arguments raises the question, is bang truly healthy?

A sugar free energy seems to be good right? Bang actually includes an artificial sweetener called Sucralose. A popular variation of the sucralose sweetener is Splenda that a lot of people know of. This replacement seems to be good but when Sucralose is consumed in large amounts, it can cause health issues with your stomach and increase your hunger levels.

Each can of Bang energy contains 350mg of caffeine, which is a very high amount. A cup of coffee averages 95mg of caffeine, this means a can of bang has 3 times more caffeine than a cup of coffee. Consuming this amount of caffeine at once can also give you caffeine intoxication which can potentially send you to the hospital.

Caffeine is also one of the only proven drug that can increase athletic performance and cognitive ability. Caffeine has also been found that it is a good stimulant with burning fat with an increased heart rate, especially when it is paired with exercise.

There are some benefits to Bang energy drinks, but the cons to the drink are greater. If the drinkers’ caffeine tolerance is higher, it may be safer to them than others, but it still would be safer to stay away from Bang all together.