Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Chi Edwards

The new Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker has the Star Wars fan base split in half. People either loved it or hated it. The new addition is like how Avengers Endgame was to Marvel fans. A huge fan pleaser, Though this may please most fans hardcore fans end up disliking the film.

Overall most people love the film, with fun characters and a gripping tale in outer space to spark the Star Wars nostalgia in anyone. Seeing the Millennium Falcom evading storm trooper fighters and Rey with Lukes saber training in the force is a huge fan pleaser to anyone who has seen Star Wars.

“Loved it, because JJ Abrams fixed everything from last jedi and fixed the saga.” -Carston Christensen

Star Wars is anyone can talk about on social media and for good reason. It’s a great ending to this Star Wars saga, with a great feel good ending leaving you sad that you cant see more. Seeing the Star Wars universe finally come to peace is satisfying and great to watch.

“I liked it.” Isaac Whipple

Some people didn’t love it as much as others. Disliking dialiog at some points and bad pacing and leaving loose ends were the biggest concerns of the Star Wars community. Most didn’t like how Finm didn’t play a big enough role in the film, with him originally seeming to be one of the main characters. Some didn’t like how Rey took the Skywalkers name or how she was a palpatine either.

The biggest annoyance of all in The Rise of Skywalker to fans was the kiss between Rey and Kylo Ren. The kiss was so unnecessary and was not a good addition to the movie. There was no hint to romance before and they were previously enemies and comrades but not lovers.

With any big franchise movie there will be little things that people don’t like but overall Star Wars was a great finale to the Star Wars saga that every should go see.