Davis High legend: Austin Frasure


There are few better than the Davis High legend Austin Frasure. As a two sport athlete this kid gave his all to defend the tradition this year.

Many know Austin on the football field and basketball court as a fierce competitor but what most don’t know about is how he spends his down time. During a sit down interview with Austin he shared some of his hobbies and hidden intrests.

Austin has four siblings and he is the middle child in the family. He works at Cinemark theatre in Farmington every week to earn a bit of dough.

“I try to get my homework done within a couple hours after school so I don’t have to worry about it.”, said Austin when asked what he does in his after school hours.

Austin goes golfing a couple days a week with his buddies now that all his sports seasons are over. Austin made it clear that he wasn’t great at golf but he still enjoys the time with the boys.

Austin also goes to EOS gym to lift weights and play basketball to stay in shape. It is clear Austin is still very active.

“Usually I’ll go home and make myself a quesadilla or a bagel with creme cheese for my after school snack.”, said Austin when talking about after school activities.

Austin made it clear that math 1050 was his most challenging class and he hopes he can finish with a passing grade. He also said he was just trying to finish all his classes strong which is truly a challenge in the last month of his senior year.

“I’m planning on a two year mission for my church.” said Austin on his after high school plans. Austin surely has a bright future ahead and with his time here at Davis High he will be ready to take on the world.