Alumni Danna Wright’s experience at Davis High from the year 1966


Kloee Brower, Writer

Danna Wright graduated from Davis high in 1966. Some world event that happened while she attended Davis were, John F Kennedy was the president at the time and was assassinated during her sophomore year, and Vice President Lyndon B Johnson took over.

Each year she attended the dances held were homecoming, Christmas, valentines, sophomore tucker, junior prom, and senior hop. Popular dance moves at the time were the jitterbug, the twist, and the hop.

Danna said, “I was involved in the ski team, dance club, F.H.A (Future Homemakers of America), and during my senior year I was I Pro schola.” Schola was for seniors only and 50 girls were chosen to perform at games and would seat on the bleachers and cheer for the school.

Things that Dana said that she loved at Davis high were, “the traditions, and knowing that her parents and grandparents also went to Davis.” She loved that atmosphere, and she was verry outgoing, so she has lots of friends that made the experience at Davis good.

Experiences at Davis that she appreciates is the friendships that she formed, dates, and her homemaking classes because now she loves the sew. She remembers that while in her homemaking class she won a competition for a coat that she made, and because of how much time she spent on it she never wanted to wear it.

She also enjoyed her drama class but hated trying out for parts. She was also involved in Orchestra and said “I love orchestra, but I hated carrying my violin case to and from school every day. Dana was involved in so many classes that provided her with skills she uses daily now.

Since Danna went to Davis the school has been remolded, rebuilt and the interior is a lot different. With her love for old traditions, she hopes that some of them still live in Davis. She quoted “Behold the school we love the best… Davis high, our Davis High.”

Her favorite memories at Davis were falling in love with her high school sweetheart and walking through the halls together as well as looking forward to going to school to see him every day. Back then girls and boys dressed up for school and she said, “the classrooms were always quiet and controlled.”