AI Cheating in School

March 31, 2023
Over the past few months, programmers have created a system that is able to generate content
and answers which has given students an easier way to cheat in school.
and answers which has given students an easier way to cheat in school.
Chat GPT is a very common AI generator students have been using. Released on November 30,
2022, Chat GPT blew up and was all over social media showing students what it could do when
given simple commands such as: Write a 5-paragraph essay on US economy.
The AI generator would generate an essay with well formed paragraphs, proper grammar and
punctuation, and would flow well. Rather impressive for a command as simple as that. What’s
even more amazing is that when given the same prompt twice, the AI will always generate
something different. The problem with that is that it makes it easier for students to get away
It is still possible to catch students who are using the AI, however. “I put it into an AI checker
that gives the percentage that used AI. If it is significantly high, which it usually is, the student
receives a zero.” Mr. Frey said when asked how he prevents students from cheating.
Since finding out about the AI cheating, teachers have been trying to crack down on fraudulent
essays. Frey says he has caught “Well over fifty” students using AI generators to cheat on
The punishment for cheating using AI is roughly the same as someone caught plagiarizing.
“Students in my class get a zero but if the behavior continues it could be grounds for dismissal
from the class and automatic F’s and U’s.” says Frey.
“Students in my class get a zero but if the behavior continues it could be grounds for dismissal
from the class and automatic F’s and U’s.” says Frey.
AI does have its downsides but could be very beneficial in the future. It can help answer
questions people may have about almost anything. AI is not completely unheard of as Apple has
had its version in ‘Siri’ for years, as well as Amazon’s ‘Alexa’.
“I think that the number one problem in the world is miscommunication. When people are using
a different source other than themselves cliché cheating themselves. It can be worse for
relationships with friends and significant others because they don’t know how to communicate
properly.” Frey’s remark when asked if he thinks AI can be good for students in the future.