The student news site of Davis High School

The Dart

The student news site of Davis High School

The Dart

The student news site of Davis High School

The Dart

Julia Adams, Journalist • May 15, 2024

Pickleball Becoming a High School Sport

Pickleball Becoming a High School Sport
Pickleball is one of the most growing sports in the country having new courts being builtin new places every day, Pickleball was made in 1965 but recently has caught steam and newpeople are playing all the time there are now leagues all over that you can join andtournaments. Recently high schools have been creating club teams for the students to join thelonger it has been around the more competitive it has gotten, kids have been making it the onlysport that they play. The tournaments are set up by a Pickleball rating that is 1-5, 1 being forthe newer kids 5 being for the advanced groups.Figure 1 taken by PPA Tour
Pickleball has been a fun sport especially for people who play tennis because usingrackets is common for them and it is for the most part the same except with smaller courts. BenJohns is the best pickleball player in the world having 18,200 Southwest Rapid Rewards in 2nd isCollin Johns who is Bens younger brother with 17,500 Southwest Rapid points in Men’sdoubles. The number one ranked in Men’s singles is still Ben Johns with 14,500 points. Thenumber one ranked doubles partner’s is Anna Leigh Waters with 20,000 points and Anna Brightwith 16,000 points. Same as the Boy’s the number one doubles is the number one Women’ssingles Anna Leigh Waters.

How the scoring works

Points are only scored if the person who served scored the point, At the start of the
game the player who is on the right side of the court that is even serves to the opposite acrossthe court and if touches the kitchen line it is out only on the serve. You may not go In thekitchen unless the ball is hit by the other team in it or else it’s the other teams point. The servemust be served under your waist for it to count. The team that serves first has to wait for thereturn to bounce before they can hit it out of the air. The average game is played to 11 and iswin by two and is a best two out of three series.
How the player’s feel
We talked to Jack Bennit who is a Sophomore from Davis is high and asked a fewquestions about how he feels about the team. First, we asked him about how long he has beenplaying for he answered saying 2 years. We asked him what his favorite part is about being onthe pickleball team he said, “seeing all of his friends on the team and trying his best to beat hisfriend Luke in singles after practice which is always a close battle”. The last question we askedhim was what made him want to start playing pickleball he said, “I went and played pickleballwith my dad and then my friends started playing a little bit later they got a club at the highschool and so I joined as a freshman it helped me meet a lot of new people”.

The next student that we interviewed was Dax Douris who is one of the more advancedkids on the team. We asked him what his favorite parts are about being on the team heresponded with “Haning out with everyone making new friends with lots of people and gettingto play the sport that I love with people who are the same”. We asked what made you startplaying pickleball he answered saying “his mom got into it first and then my dad would go withher he wanted me to start coming with them and I started playing more and more and now Iam playing in leagues”. Last we asked him what mindset you have to have going into a bigmatch and what makes you play the best. “Before a big match I always try to get ready by

warming up my body first and arms that way I am warm for the match mentally I know how
much time I have put in so I know I can beat anyone”.
The coach’s role for the team
One of the most important parts of the pickleball team is the coaches Tammy Wuurstenand Nicole Waddups who is also the girls’ basketball coach, they are the ones that but the teamthrough training to get ready for the tournaments that will be played later. They are also incharge of finding tournaments for the kids to get into pickleball being a new club in high schoolthere aren’t as many tournaments as the kids would like so it is very important for them to findas many of them that they can this way the kids can get better. Pickleball is a growing sport andeveryday more and more kids are joining the sport. Pickleball has grown 159% in the last 3years which is a record for any other sports. With 8.9 million people playing this sport now theyhave been building more courts and are even making indoor facilities for many people to playat the same time.
How to play when it’s cold

That way people can play yearlong when it’s snowing on the ground they can just goinside and play on a court either at there house if they have one or one of the newer company’sthe picklr having there new building in Kaysville. It came out in 2021 open by Jorge Barragansaying that the smaller court makes it easier to socialize with the other players.

Tournaments for the TeamThe next big tournament for the team is at the Shed on the 21st of October it will be around robin tournament meaning that everyone will play with everyone. The women’s matchwill be played the day before on the 20th. They are going to sort the categories by the rating 1-5on who their partners will be. The next tournament has not been scheduled but with theexcellent coaching it will be up and ago soon for all the kids.

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About the Contributor
Luke Edgington
Luke Edgington, Journalist
Luke is a very dedicated wrestler and has been wrestling since he was very young he loves hanging out with his friends and going to parties. Luke took this class so that he could get his English's credit, but has learned to like writing about interesting subjects. He's on the tennis team and likes playing lot's of different sports, his favorite thing to watch is the BYU football games.