Everyone knows the Davis High drill team, cheer team, and color guard.
They work hard to put on amazing performances for us at games and
competitions. But not everyone is aware of the dance company at Davis, a small
but amazing team and community. What you will find in Dance Company is
amazing dancers and a spectacular coach. Their performances are stunning, and
they need more attention from the school.
Mylee Lomax, a Davis High senior on Dance Company and in her third year
of it said, “I joined Dance Company because I wanted to join a program at Davis
and Dance Company was the one that caught my eye!” If you are looking for an
awesome extracurricular to put on your college application and you have dancing
experience, Dance Company is the place for you to go. You can gain experience
from dancing and preforming on stage with all your best friends.
If you are looking for a place to make new friends and feel like family,
Dance Company is the place for you! Avery Ross, a senior on Dance Company,
said, “I love all the new friendships I’ve made! Everyone has been so kind and
loving!” and, “You make lots of new friends and have amazing lifelong
relationships with the others on the team!” While Mylee said, “My favorite part of
Dance Co. is the people!” The girls at Dance Company get so close to each other
and you can tell that their bond with each other is special. It’s not hard to see
how much they all love each other and the amazing community they have
created. Mylee also said, “I would have never thought that I would be the
president of Dance Co. and so in love with dance. Everyone is so kind! You make
30 new family members for life!”
Another way that Dance Company benefits the dancers in it is pushing
them past their limits and their styles of dance. You can go in only knowing ballet,
and come out being confident in modern, jazz, improv, and more. Avery said,
“Dance Co. helps you improve in lots of different types of dances. And it helps you
be more confident in what you’re doing!” A big roadblock that almost every
dancer faces is confidence in themselves and their ability to dance. The many
styles that Dance Company explores as well as having your team cheer you on
every step of the way gives you the biggest confidence boost. Not to mention all
the improv and choreography that you can do. Meredith Wright, the Dance
Company coach, pushes her dancers to choreograph their own pieces and helps
them become comfortable in improv.
The love for Mrs. Wright is obvious from all the dancers. Mylee Lomax said,
“Meredith Wright is such an amazing human. She is so talented, loving, and silly! I
love her so much! She works hard to create a welcoming, kind environment and
so you get to know all the girls!” Being the AP Art History teacher, Dance
Company coach, and choreographer and director of Davis Preforming Arts
Collection (DPAC)’s production, “Scrooge.” All of this on her plate, and she still
makes sure that everyone feels safe and feels like they belong in her class and
team. It does so much to add to the closeness and friendships that everyone has
for each other on the team.
On top of preforming for the school, Dance Company also participates in
“Scrooge,” Davis Preforming Arts Collective’s Christmas production. Everyone on
the team is in amazing dances and helps to teach dances to the other performers.
Everyone is so passionate about the production, and they want it to be the best
that they could be. Make sure you buy tickets when they go on sale to come see
the passion that the dancers and directors have for it!
Overall, Dance Company is an amazing extracurricular at Davis that is
looked over far too often. Their passion in their performances shine when they
dance on stage, and the school needs to support them and pay attention to them
so much more! All the dancers on the team are so sweet and want the best for
each other! Make sure you support them by buying tickets for “Scrooge” and their
performance at the end of the year!