The student news site of Davis High School

The Dart

The student news site of Davis High School

The Dart

The student news site of Davis High School

The Dart

Julia Adams, Journalist • May 15, 2024

10 Simple Habits for a Healthier Lifestyle
10 Simple Habits for a Healthier LifestyleEveryone has busy lives, and some people tend to forget about their health and well-being because of all the other things they may have going on with family, friends, work, school,and whatever other things cause someone to be busy. If you apply simple habits to your dailyschedule, it will help your overall well-being physically and mentally. These 10 habits are easyto incorporate into your everyday routine and will help pave the way to a healthier lifestyle.1. Start your day with hydration: One of the best things that will wake you up in themorning is by drinking water. By hydrating your body, you are waking it up and it’s aperfect way to jump start your metabolism. Another reason drinking water in themorning is beneficial is because it rehydrates your cells and flushes out toxins. Yourbody will function optimally by drinking water consistently throughout your day andyou’ll notice an overall change in your health.2. Prioritize sleep: This is one of the most important things to apply in your life if youwant to be the healthiest version of yourself. If you aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleepeach night you will have enough energy to get through the whole day without feelingsluggish and needing to take a nap. If you prioritize enough hours of sleep and stayconsistent on that schedule even on the weekends you will notice you have moreenergy throughout the day and better moods. If you create a consistent routineeveryday and do things that help you unwind your body will know that it’s time to goto bed and you’ll be able to fall asleep quicker.3. Incorporate movement into your day: Something that is so important to do everydayno matter if it’s a lot or a little is to move your body and get some form of exercise in.Finding a chance to take a break at work and even take a small walk your body willbenefit you by doing this and you will also notice a boost in your mood. If you aimfor 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week you will noticeimprovement in your cardiovascular health, boost in your mood, and increased energylevels. Find what type of exercise you like the most and do that. Exercising should befun and something you look forward to, not something to dread.4. Practice mindful eating: Mindful eating is when you slow down when you’re eatingand savor your meals. You do these things by paying attention to when you’re hungryand full, chew your food slowly, savor each bite, and more. Mindful eating is alsothinking about what you’re eating before you eat it and think is this giving me thenourishment that I need or is it going to cause me to feel drowsy or tired.5. Limit processed food and sugary drinks: One of the most important things you needto do if you want to live a healthy lifestyle is to eat healthy. Food is fuel and what youput into your body will affect your overall physical health and mental health.Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, beverages high in sugar, andother unhealthy options. Instead of eating all those types of food try and find healthierversions of them and you will be saving yourself from the risks of obesity, diabetes,

and heart disease. It’s okay to eat a treat every once a while during the week, but
consistently eating unhealthily you will have no energy and will start to gain weight.6. Prioritize your mental health: This is something that is so important to focus on everyday. When life gets busy it’s something that you can forget about and not realize whattype of state you are in mentally. Take a small amount of time everyday to prioritizeyour mental health by practicing stress-reducing activities. Some activities could bemeditation, deep breathing exercises, going to the gym, journaling, and spending timewith family or loved ones. If you focus on your mental health, you will notice thingsyour doing good with and things you’re not and if you do this it will health youroverall well-being.7. Stay connected: Another way to live a healthy life is to stay connected with lovedones such as family and friends. Have meaningful connections with people andprioritize with them. Engage in social activities, participate in group activities, stayinvolved, doing these things improves confidence and can help you focus on thingsother than work or school. You will notice an improvement in stress and happinesswhen you’re involved and talking to the people you love. Surrounding yourself withgood people is one of the best things you can do to keep yourself happy.8. Get outdoors: In my opinion this is the best way for me to find happiness and animproved well-being. Spending time outside in nature whether it’s going on a hike,biking, walking, running, camping, your vitamin D levels increase, and you’ll noticeyou’re so much happier after spending time outside. Spending time in the sun willreduce stress and improve your mood.9. Practice gratitude: Noticing ways to find the good in your daily life is so important.Focusing on the positive in your life is so much better than just dwelling on thenegative. It’s so easy to do that, but something to help would be to keep a journal andwrite down 3 things you’re thankful for each day. By expressing gratitude, you willnotice a shift in your attitude toward things and you’ll feel more fulfilled.10. Unplug and disconnect: One way to improve your well-being is to get away fromscreens and technology and take time to do something else. Social media is filled withso much negative and scrolling on it for hours a day does nothing to help you. Youwill just get digital overload and instead you can relax and practice mindfulness. Dothings like read a book, journal, draw, or spend time doing a hobby you enjoy doing.By incorporating these things into your daily life, you have a solid foundation for ahealthier lifestyle and a way to find happiness. The best thing to do is stay consistent.Staying consistent will lead to the feeling of fulfillment when you notice the thingsyou’re doing are making a difference. You will learn resilience and experiencegreater vitality.

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About the Contributor
Zoey Larsen
Zoey Larsen, Journalist
My name is Zoey Larsen. I am a junior at Davis High and I am a 3rd year Dette. I love spending time with family and hanging out with friends. I also love summer, boating, going to the gym, art, hiking, and going on trips.