DTV Broadcast – October 23, 2024
October 22, 2024
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About the Contributors

Katelyn Dobson, Reporter
I'm a junior, a soccer star on the field, and a fashion icon off it-thanks to shein! i play soccer to stay fit and then spend my entire paycheck on clothes i will probably wear once. my life motto? "kick the ball then kick back with a shopping spree!"

Kameron Krantz, Reporter
Just a highly trained expert in doing absolutely nothing. my hobbies include: staring at walls, misplacing my phone and pretending I'm a contestant on a cooking show while burning toast. if you cant find me, I'm probably lost in my own backyard!!

Camden McFarland, Reporter
My name is Camden, and i like turtles. I've been pretending I'm a ninja turtle since I was eight years old. I've been doing this for so long sometimes I forget if I'm Camden or Michelangelo.