Powderpuff Football

Jordan Wood

Lindsey Miller and Darla Burrola

Power Puff is the school’s all girls flag football team. This year the league was brought back after being gone for 10 years

The game at first was not flag, and football equipment was used. Davis played it for many years until one year one of the guys from the football team dressed up like a girl and went to the game. The administration found out, and kicked him out, but he came back at half time.

“He thought he would get in one more lick and he just absolutely creamed a girl. He broke her arm or shoulder….so thats when we said no more and the district said no more.” Said Firmage the assistant principal.

Our last principal didn’t want to have anything to do with Powder Puff  and didn’t let it come back. But with our new principal Mr. Swanson, and the district not saying anything about flag football,  Swanson agreed to bring back powder puff with some conditions. “As long as you have some coaches, and as long as the football coaches ref….and of course just flag, no helmets, no nothing, we should be ok,” said Firmage.

Those involved considered Powder Puff this year to be a success. Coach Gladwell said, “I thought Powder Puff game was a big success. There was a lot of participation, they made it not just about the boys on the football team but the student body girls who wanted to participate”. Firmage also considered it a success despite one of the Junior girls having to get stitches.

The only other problem to come up this year was the game ending early. The girls were tied and asked if they could go over to finish the game the administration let them go over. But when the girls asked again. Firmage came in and said no. “It was getting rougher and rougher and it was an accident waiting to happen. So I decide no, I didn’t want anybody else hurt. Everybody had a great time. And a tie is a great way to end it…..we’re done.”

Coach Gladwell recommended anybody to join and be apart of Powder Puff. “I would encourage other students to play. To anybody who would like to play, to join, be apart of the school, get wrapped into something that Davis High’s about. I think it would be fun for anybody.”