Jane Austen’s Novel adapted for the Stage

Palmer Flood, Reporter

Jane Austen’s beloved romantic novel Pride and Prejudice deals with themes such as love, society and classes, feminism, pride, first impressions, and deceit. A story that will have the reader captivated from the display of human nature in love, accompanied with a healthy dose of humor.


The novel has recently been converted into a stage play, a task that could have been a cause controversy if Austen’s original novel is not  properly represented in play form. This task was taken on by J.R. Sullivan, who along with adapting Pride and Prejudice served as the associate artistic director of the Utah Shakespearean Festival for seven seasons. Sullivan knew what he was doing.


The play seamlessly captures the mood and feeling of Austen’s original novel. The dialogue in the play is comprised from direct quotes from the characters themselves or Jane Austen’s narration in the novel with little adaptations added in.

For any fan of Pride and Prejudice will find the stage adaptation will gratify their desire for hilarious exchanges between the Bennet family, the innocence in love between Jane and Mr. Bingley, and of course the roller-coaster ride of a relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.