New Teachers Bring Youth and Excitement

Tanner Livingston


Alexandria Cooley, Story Production Editor

With more than 2,000 students, the teachers play an important role at the school. The new school year has welcomed many new teachers such as Mrs. Clouse, Mrs. Copier, and Mrs. Drake. For their first year, these teachers have already set goals and made plans.

“For next year, I want there to be a Clothing 2 class that focuses on costume design for the school musical and the school productions, working closely with the theatre department. I think that would be a really fun thing for students to be involved in.” Mrs. Clouse, the Family and Consumer Science teacher said.

Many teachers, like Mrs. Drake, did not originally set out to be teachers, although many people in their lives predicted it.

“Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Horsemen, who used to teach here, and a lot of people had me already pegged as going to be a teacher. I guess they knew me better than I did. It just kind of happened.” Mrs. Drake, the Mathematics teacher said.

Although these teachers have new ideas they’d like to implement into their teaching, they hope to continue the tradition of Davis High.

“I really like everything here so far. I just really want to contribute to the good tradition and the excellence that already exists,” Mrs. Copier, the English 11 and CE 1010 teacher said,  “I want to be a good teacher and run a good, tight ship.”