School Board Decides New Boundaries


Billy Elliott, Website and Social Media Editor

With the opening of the new Farmington High School right around the corner, there have been issues with deciding the boundaries.

In discussing with School Board Member Julie Tanner she stated that the boundaries took 11 months to develop. The school board hired a consultant to assist with this issue. They used sources such as public input, focus groups, community surveys, open houses, counsels and many other things.

“The school board consistently emphasized receiving and considering all public feedback during this process,” School Board Member Julie Tanner said.

There were a few things that the board used as their main priorities in the decision. These were keeping the neighborhoods together, the proximity to the school and what are called feeder patterns. These feeder patterns are which junior high feeds into which school.

Many people had concerns with the placement of the boundaries and they spoke up.

“The email address set up for boundary feedback received about 1800 emails over the time period it was set up.  As a board member, I received many many emails and tried to respond to every one…while I couldn’t promise anyone a certain outcome, I could promise that each piece of feedback would be given serious consideration, Tanner said.

Farmington High School will be open starting in Fall of 2018. The school board is excited to open up this new addition to the school district that is years in the making.

“We are very excited about the opening of Farmington High School in the fall of 2018 and the wonderful opportunities it will provide for all the new students there.  Mr. Rich Swanson has been selected as the new principal there and will do an excellent job.  We are also very excited about being able to reduce the overcrowding at other high schools in our district.  This will create room for more students to be involved in many different programs: sports, clubs, the arts, TV and media, debate, yearbook,  etc.  It’s an exciting time to be in Davis School District.  The community support for great schools is unmatched,” Tanner said.