Rock and Roll Club Offers Opportunity for Upcoming Musicians

Mason Hall


Harrison Hoskins, Reporter

Rock and Roll has been a staple of American Culture since the 40’s but has been a highschool staple since the 60’s. Club Presidents Nick and Eli have charted their own Rock and Roll Club.


“This is a club to help people get into a band who don’t really know how to get into a band,” Co-President Nick Leifson said.


Meetings are held weekly on Tuesday or Wednesday A Days after school in the band room. They last for two hours, enough to cover some history, as well as practice and match members appropriately for the band their style fits. The goal is not only provide a fun atmosphere but help students collaborate with each other.


“I’ve been In a couple bands in my life and it’s honestly been one of the best experiences of my life,” Leifson said.


The presidents of the club are hoping to spread this experience to all of its members, regardless of skill level. If you are interested in this club, feel free to talk to either Jenkins or Leifson.