Lovers Feast Features Musical Talent

Zach Hughes

Mary Dinney and Brooke Christensen

The Lover’s Feast is a show that involves both singing and acting. They do acts based on the theme that their producer picks and they focus on that theme by creating scripts for each act. Both the Madrigals and the choir come together and pick their characters.


“My favorite part of choir is that, usually the music is good and like if you try learning that music on your own, you probably couldn’t, Miss May is one of the best choir teacher I’ve ever had and she makes it super easy to memorize the music and she’s help me through site reading and everything.” – Senior Sam Moody said.


This is going to be the 37th year for Davis High School’s Lover’s Feast and this year’s theme will be more focused on singing which means both the Madrigals and the Choir will be the center of attention at this Year’s Lovers Feast.


 “All of the guys in acapella choir are what we call stewards in Lover’s feast and they do couple songs and they kind of flirt with the limited edition choir that do some songs and if you’re in madrigals, you sit at the head table and you’re kind of like the center of attention, you sing songs, and when you’re not singing, you eat with everyone else, so yeah I’m excited to be in the Madrigals this year.” -Senior Preston Parker said.


Aside from just the Madrigals and the choir being the center of attention, there is also the other characters that play their role as well. They enjoy what they do and they love to show the students of Davis High School what they can do.