Indoor Track Finishes with a Strong Season

Cameron Jacobsen


Cameron Jacobsen and Kyla Essex

Indoor track provides a way for many kids who run track to compete during the winter’s season. While there are some differences that separate indoor from outdoor competitions, the essence of track is still present.


“Winter track is basically conditioning for normal track” Runner Andrew Simonson said, when asked what the indoor track season was like compared to outdoor track.


While there is still track elements present in indoor track, many students who participate see it as conditioning and a warm up for the real outdoor track season. This is because of the lack of participation with other schools in indoor track.


The coaches for Davis High track still put all of their effort into indoor track despite its difference in seriousness compared to outdoor.


“Our coaches are really great when it comes to making everyone feel included,” Athlete Olivia Griffin starts, “They help us all push ourselves to our limits to be our best.”


The track community is one to be admired, as they all work together and strive to be their best. Whether it is indoor or outdoor track, the students that participate will always have a community supporting them.