Students Discuss Transportation and Boundary Issues

Zach Hughes


Lydia Griffin and Billy Elliott

Recent High School boundary changes finalized by the school district have captured the attention of future FHS students, parents, and nearby residents. The district has received numerous concerns about the lack of convenient routes to get to and from school in the mornings and afternoons.

“They’re afraid that that whole west side, especially Sunset, could get clogged up in the morning but we haven’t had a ton of complaints about transportation,” FHS Assistant Principal Justin Whitaker said.

Additionally, many students have expressed concern that there is not a clear route to get to school without traveling through neighborhoods.

“I would say it depends on the traffic, but I am going to take the freeway most days,” Junior Tage Rinehart said.

The debate on boundaries has not only concerned future traffic conditions, but the funding for infrastructure improvements by Farmington and Kaysville cities. New school expenses go well beyond the boundaries of the school’s property, as new sidewalks have to be built, roads have to be improved, and traffic regulations have to be updated. Most administrators, residents and students hope that changes will be made to improve transportation issues.

“I think eventually Farmington city and Kaysville city will work on getting some better infrastructure to try to get some of the problems fixed,” Whitaker said.