Mark Zuckerberg Faces Criticism

Bentley Holley


Jaedon Johnson and Brock Saxey

Money valuation is largely taken into consideration when considering today’s top CEOs. Mark Zuckerberg ranks second highest net worth of any CEO in the entire world. Following Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon comes Zuckerberg with a valuation of $75 billion dollars.


As it is with a lot of today’s culture, we Americans scrutinize and criticize these CEOs every decision, whether business or other. Zuckerberg has made several business decisions in the last years. The one brought most into question is the subpar data security provided to Facebook users.


Cookies and other data have been made available to retailers and then ads are targeted towards users’ preferences. Many argue that this is not okay. However, Facebook is a service free to use and an account can be deleted any time.


Whether or not these things are acceptable has become a public dispute. Zuckerberg has made the public not only ask Facebook’s motives, but all social media.