What We Can Expect From the First Orchestra Concert This Year

October 11, 2018
There is an upcoming orchestra concert. This concert will start off orchestra for this year.
“This concert will be more focused on the new orchestra students so this will be a great opportunity to see the talent of the students who will be here for the next few years.” Jackson Ahlquist, from the Chamber Orchestra stated.
Davis high’s orchestra is always practicing and improving and this concert is also a great opportunity to see how the familiar faces of orchestra have improved over the summer. When I interviewed Jackson Ahlquist, he said that he personally practiced his violin everyday. He said that to be successful in orchestra you have to work hard and strive to do your best. The orchestra is dedicated to do their best in every concert.
The new students and the old students are both excited to show us what they have been learning and what they have been working on. Davis High’s orchestra is very skilled and you do not want to miss this opportunity.
So come to this concert to see how the new faces and the old faces perform. The concert is Tuesday, October 9 at 7:00. Be sure to come to all the other concerts as well to see how the new students improve.