Upcoming Davis Football Season


Dallin Toone, Reporter

          The success of the Davis Football team throughout the years is known all throughout the state of Utah. Many generations of Darts took state in their respective years; however, there has been a drought since the Darts reached the state final in 2009.

          Since these years, the so called “Curse” has arisen in the halls and talk of Davis High School. Since the 2013 football season, the team has consecutively lost in the first round since that year. This poses a question, how can the athletes in Davis High School turn around the poor athletic performances in the late years? The answer is the students themselves.

          “At first it was hard… I was the low man on the totem pole. People were taking pop shots at me to see what I was made of. Now… we are all really close and people know what I am capable of,” Toone said.

          Toone started on the sophomore team this summer. He moved up to the varsity squad in August, after team camp was finished.

          “There is pressure specifically for being a senior because we have been through the program for three years. We got new offensive coaches this year so we have an all new offense and we are trying to gel together again. We know each other already and care for each other so it’s a matter of knowing the new offense. It has been the struggle this year,” Sapp said.

          A new offense has been implemented this year, along with a new coaching staff all together, this will bring a new learning curve to athletes playing their game.

          But as the leaders of the offense have said; the team is close together. They are capable of doing things together when they are close. Through hard work, “There will not be a curse after this year,” Sapp said.