Are You Safe in Kaysville?

    More stories from Meagan Cheney


    Is there a crime problem in Kaysville?  

    Every year in Kaysville an average of 24 violent crimes are committed. How likely are you to be one of those 24? Your odds of being a victim of a violent crime in Kaysville are less than 1 in 1,340. Officer Jared Jenson comments “Random acts of violence? I don’t think so, no. Marriage, domestic type stuff, is probably the most common.” 

    Let’s get into it. With a mean of 13 reported every year, rape is the most frequent violent crime in KaysvilleYour likelihood of being a victim of this sickening crime is 0.41 in 1,000. The next most recurring violent crime is assault. An average of 9 assaults take place yearly, putting your probability of being affected at almost 0.3 in 1,000. The third most common violent criminal offense is robbery. With a norm of 2 recorded a year, you have a 0.06 in 1,000 chance of being robbed. NextKaysville has an average of zero murders in a year.  

    But violent crimes are not the only crimes in Kaysville. Smaller misdemeanors are not so rare. An ordinary year in Kaysville yields over 240 property crimes, from petty theft to stealing cars. “Lately we’ve had a lot of vehicle burglaries. People going around at night, seeing if car doors are open, and if they are, they’ll hurry and take cell phones, wallets, whatever they can hurry and grab,” remarks Jenson. 

    With 190 reported annually, theft is the most common property crime in Kaysville. There is a 6/1000 chance that you will be directly affected by it. The second most popular property crime is burglary. There is an average of 41 burglaries reported every year, which makes your chances of getting robbed at 1.3 in 1,000. Last, but not least, motor vehicle theftthe least common property crime in Kaysville. The average citizen has a 0.5 in 1,000 chance of being affectedEvery year there is an average of 15 reported cases. 

    Altogether, Kaysville is a small, relatively safe city. Violent or nonviolent, crime isn’t very common here. Still, it is important to stay safe and make good decisions. Whether you are committing the crime or falling victim to it, your life will never be the same.